
深圳市心衣公益基金会(简称心衣公益)是2014年8月经深圳市民政局批准成立,在深圳市民政局登记注册、由深圳市民政局主管的非公募基金会。 秉承“凝聚内衣行业力量,推动华夏公益发展”的宗旨,心衣公益将致力于行业与公益慈善事业的深度融合,通过行业传播优势,缔造“人人可公益,民众齐参与”的公益模式,致力推动公益建设 。倡导“关爱女性健康,一起携手同行”的公益价值观,创建起基于“最透明的公益行为、最开放的公益伙伴、最创新的公益实践”的心衣公益矩阵,推动公益慈善行为成为企业己任、人人参与的生活习惯,推动内衣行业在企业公民、社会责任领域的积极实践及创新贡献。 

The Xinyi Foundation, approved by the Civil Affairs of Shenzhen, was established in August 2014. It is a non-public foundation and governed by the Shenzhen Civil Affairs Bureau. Xinyi is devoted to creating a collaboration between the hugely influential lingerie industry and public charities under the idea of having a “charity by everyone”. Advocating the value of "care for women’s healthcare, acting together hand-in-hand", a collection of Underwear Charities raise funds through transparent charity events and activities with publically known partners, practicing the most innovative fund raising methods. They encourage charitable activities to become part of daily life and activities. They are pushing forward the active practice of charity work in the individual and corporations under the idea of corporate citizenship and social responsibility.


Tel: 15627316747
Add: 深圳市福田区泰然八路泰然大厦C座1703-心衣公益基金会
Web :xinyigongyi.com